
Hello, My name is David Hall. Born in Big Spring, Texas and raised in the small town of Vincent, Ohio, I was raised with old school country values.  Nothing is more important than family and friends.  I spend my off time hunting, fishing, shooting and going on adventures to new and beautiful places with my best friend and wife Lora.

I built my first knife from a pre manufactured blank, with my Dad, when I was 16 years old.  Believe it or not, it was for a school project….try pulling that off, now days!  In 2006 I started building my own blades, using the stock removal method. My knives are not “carbon copies”.  Each one is cut and shaped by my hands.  All grinding is done free handed without the use of a jig.  Therefore each one is, in its own way, an original.  My personal goal is for every knife that leaves my shop, to be a little better than the last.  In 2016, after a lot of support from my Wife and family, I took the big step into taking David Hall Custom Knives to the next level and went full time in the knife making business.

My knives are made to do the job and to be passed down to future generations throughout the years to come.

Follow me on Instagram @davidhallcustomknives and watch your own creation be built and watch your knife come to reality.